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Your support matters

Join us in our mission to transform the Dutch built environment by promoting bamboo as a sustainable and versatile building material. By supporting Bouw met Bamboe!, you’re not just investing in an event; you’re investing in a greener, more sustainable future. We’ve already secured an exciting lineup of speakers, and your support can help elevate this symposium to new heights. Whether it’s bringing in additional industry experts, facilitating more interactive sessions, or enhancing our logistical capabilities, every contribution counts.

Sponsorship opportunities

We understand that each organization has distinct goals and requirements. With that in mind, we offer sponsorship opportunities tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re interested in high-visibility logo placement, or even an exclusive speaking slot, we are committed to creating a sponsorship experience that delivers exceptional value. Beyond that, there are various other ways to get involved, by volunteering, or helping us amplify our reach by sharing the event through your networks.

Gold Sponsor (2x) +

30 minutes speaking slot during the event
15-20 minutes video interview before the event, to be shared on social media
Large exhibition space in a prominent position
1 banner to be placed at the venue during the symposium
1 banner to be placed at the venue during the exhibit
3 complementary tickets
3 pages dedicated to sponsor
Logo prominently placed on all digital platforms and event marketing materials
– Event goodies and badges
– Event posters and booklet to be distributed digitally via email and pin-up hardcopies at institutions of higher education (Technische Universiteiten, Hogescholen) and several Dutch as well as international organisations related to bamboo, architecture, and construction
– Social media posts on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook
On stage acknowledgement during the event
Mentions on social media platforms (Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook) and email texts before, during, and after the event
Exhibition* – only if the exhibited products are bamboo based and align with the symposium theme
Speaking** – only if the presentation aligns with symposium theme
  • By being a Gold Sponsor, you can help us by realizing:
    1. an exhibition that showcases all the Dutch bamboo community has to offer
    2. a cutting-edge bamboo pavilion that showcases the material’s capabilities during the event

Silver Sponsor (3x) +

10-15 minutes video interview before the event, to be shared on social media
Medium sized exhibition space
1 banner to be placed at the venue during the symposium
2 complementary tickets
2 pages dedicated to sponsor
Logo placed on all digital platforms and event marketing materials
– Event posters and booklet to be distributed digitally via email and pin-up hardcopies at institutions of higher education (Technische Universiteiten, Hogescholen) and several Dutch as well as international organisations related to bamboo, architecture, and construction
– Social media posts on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook
On stage acknowledgement during the event
Mentions on social media platforms (Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook) and email texts before, during, and after the event
Exhibition* – only if the exhibited products are bamboo based and align with the symposium theme
  • By being a Silver Sponsor, you can help us with more than one of the below items:
    1. offsetting carbon due to air travel of our speakers, by investing in bamboo cultivation
    2. providing goodie bags to the all the participants, filled with bamboo-related products
    3. printing a booklet for the event, with practical information and sponsor pages

Bronze Sponsor (∞) +

1 complementary ticket
1 page dedicated to the sponsor
Logo placed on social media posts on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook
Mentions on social media platforms and email texts before, during and after the event
  • By being a Bronze Sponsor, you can directly help us to sponsor:
    1. materials, tools and learning materials for the workshops and the participants
    2. shirts with logos that the organizers and volunteers wear before and during the event

Platinum Sponsor (1x) +

Match the contribution by the Creative Industries Fund, and exceed it by €1,-
Become main trustee for the event and patron for the Dutch bamboo community,
by ensuring continuity through establishment of a non-profit Dutch bamboo organisation
that promotes bamboo interests, networking, knowledge exchange and
hosts an annual event (a Bamboedag, similar to the Houtdag, Betondag and Staalbouwdag)
End note presentation
60 minutes speaking slot along with co-organizers
Other benefits equivalent to Gold Sponsor. Please contact us for more detail.
  • By being a Platinum Sponsor, you can help us by creating continuity for bamboo interests in the Dutch design, architecture, engineering and construction sector, by realizing:
    1. establishment of an ANBI foundation
    2. staffed by at least 0.2 fte

Get involved

To discuss sponsorship opportunities or other ways to support Bouw met Bamboe!, please contact us through the form below.

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